Virtual Induction Ceremonies
Do COVID-19 restrictions require you hold your induction ceremony virtually?
Click on the chapter name to view sample ceremonies from sponsors who have held virtual induction ceremonies.​
Capítulo Infusión Latina de Campbell, James Campbell High School, Rosa Bell, sponsor - a 2020 ceremony that was pre-recorded by individuals and compiled into one video
Capítulo El Morro, Communications Arts High School, Cynthia Driggers, sponsor - a Zoom recording of a 2021 induction with a guest speaker
Capítulo Futuro Dorado, GlenOak High School, Pamela Dentler, sponsor - a Zoom recording of a 2020 live induction
Capítulo César Chávez, Fort Atkinson High School, Lori Warren, sponsor - a pre-recorded ceremony with voiceovers and photos
Also, it is not an induction ceremony, but you can view the end of year celebration and awards from Capítulo Pablo Neruda, Millard North High School, Theresa Jensen, sponsor.
The only official name of our organization is the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica. Some of the above ceremonies used English translations that are not accepted as the official name. If you need to refer to the organization by a name other than Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, we request that you use SHH or refer to it as the honor society for Spanish.
The logo above is the current logo of the SHH. It replaced the crest logo in 2016.
Need more ideas to plan your own ceremony?
You could use an online streaming service such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, Facebook Live, etc. as your school/district policies allow. Any student wishing to attend virtually will need to have internet access.
Sponsors may also induct students in a ceremony that the sponsor records and sends via email or a school-approved messaging system such as Google Classroom, Canvas, etc.
Prior to streaming or recording, you will need to complete the certificates with the students’ names. At the time the students would get their certificate, hold it up to the camera.
You may modify the induction script slightly as needed to accommodate the setting you are using. (For example, students will not be signing the register.) You may also take on the roles of the President and Secretary yourself if you are unable to have those officers participate live with you. Be sure to make any revisions prior to streaming or recording.
If you would like students to participate (live or with a recording), consider asking them ahead of time to have a candle, flashlight, or an image of a candle. Afterwards, they can send you a photo of themselves with this “light” to add to your chapter’s historical documentations.
A recorded video may become a sort of keepsake for students to share with family members.
Don't forget to register your inductees before scheduling your ceremony!
Click here to submit your own recording to share.
Click the infographic below to read a few reasons why to hold an induction ceremony this fall.